As a coach for our US National Team, these are the same drills that I use to help our athletes improve their execution, amplitude and artistry when it comes to leaps and jumps.
In this drill pack video you'll receive over 40 different drills, each including a description of what to look for and the reason behind why we're using it. In this course you'll get drills for:
- Plie´s and Releve´s
- Split Jumps, Halves and Fulls
- Straddle Turns
- Split Ring Drills
- Tramp Jump and Leap Shaping
- Switch Leap and Split Leap Pathways
- Tour Jete Half, Ring and Full Pathways
- Switch Side Half and Full
As you go through these videos, you'll notice that you've seen some of these drills or heard some of these descriptions before, what I always tell coaches and athletes to do is to look for at least one thing you can take away to improve your skill as a coach or an athlete. If we've done that, not only is our investment worth it, we progress even faster.
Here's to your amazing success!!!